Monday, April 30, 2012


Here is my Insta-Sunday~ All the pictures I took this past week with Instagram!

Friday, April 27, 2012

My Favorite Things

So it's not often that you can say "I love killing humans!" and get a way with it. But World of Warcraft has got to be one of my absolute favorite things to do. No matter what type of day I've had I can get on and just destroy things, either by myself or with a group. My character is now a dreaded Horde member so we go after the Alliance. Alliance is Humans, Dwarves, Night Elves, Gnomes, Draenei's & Worgen. Horde has Orcs, Undeads, Taurens, Trolls, Blood Elves and Goblins. There is also a Panda that does not have either Alliance or Horde.
Maybe I've intrested you in something different to play. It can be fun and exciting and you meet some of the kewlest people.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Cleaning House

So I promised a while back that I would blog about how I was getting my house cleaned and in order and of course Life got in the way and today is the first chance I've had to do anything for it.

So I've taken my own agenda and mixed it with the Flylady's agenda. If you haven't read her stuff, you should. Especially if you are horrible at cleaning house like I am.

So to begin with I went through each room (not cleaning it, just going through it) and threw away at least 2 things and donated at least 2 things. I did this for a week, each room every day. So at the end of the week I had gotten rid of 28 things out of each room. Now please understand, that I went through the dresser drawers and threw away a pair of socks that had way too many holes in them one day. You can find 2 things a day for 7 days if you are anything like me.

My house isn't spotless. My house is lived in. I have 4 children (all boys) under than age of 10, myself and my husband. Plus our cat, Smokey. I can vacuum my house first thing in the morning and 2 hours later it looks like I haven't done anything. I do the dishes and a couple hours later and I've got more to do. Laundry is a subject all on it's own. So I tried to figure out a way to clean and keep it as clean as possible.

I'm gonna type up what my game plan is each week. Now you can change it up, or do the same thing if you have enough to do it with.


1. Put dishes away from previous night and wash any dishes that may have been used after dishwasher got started previous night

2. Straighten Kitchen Counters

3. Pull dinner for the night

4. Wash Sheets & blankets from each room

5. Vacuum the living room

6. Sweep kitchen, dinning room and hall

7. Clean dinning room

8. Put away all under 2 year old toys in living room.

9. Reload dishwasher


1. Put dishes away from previous night and wash any dishes that may have been used after dishwasher got started previous night

2. Straighten Kitchen Counters

3. Pull dinner for the night

4. Wash Whites & Towels

5. Vacuum the living room

6. Sweep kitchen, dinning room and hall

7. Clean Twins room

8. Put away all under 2 year olds toys in living room.

9. Reload dishwasher


1. Put dishes away from previous night and wash any dishes that may have been used after dishwasher got started previous night

2. Straighten Kitchen Counters

3. Pull dinner for the night

4. Wash Dark Shirts & dark PJ's

5. Vacuum the living room

6. Sweep kitchen, dinning room and hall

7. Clean Bathroom

7. Put away all under 2 year olds toys in living room.

9. Reload dishwasher


1. Put dishes away from previous night and wash any dishes that may have been used after dishwasher got started previous night

2. Straighten Kitchen Counters

3. Pull dinner for the night

4. Wash Light Shirts & light PJ's

5. Vacuum the living room

6. Sweep kitchen, dinning room and hall

7. Clean master bedroom & make sure E & Peanut's room is clean

8. Put away all under 2 year olds toys in living room.

9. Reload dishwasher


1. Put dishes away from previous night and wash any dishes that may have been used after dishwasher got started previous night

2. Straighten Kitchen Counters

3. Pull dinner for the night

4. No Laundry unless emergency Laundry

5. Vacuum the living room

6. Sweep kitchen, dinning room and hall

7. Straighten around house

8. Put away all under 2 year olds toys in living room.

9. Reload dishwasher


1. Put dishes away from previous night and wash any dishes that may have been used after dishwasher got started previous night

2. Straighten Kitchen Counters

3. Pull dinner for the night

4. No Laundry unless emergency Laundry

5. Vacuum the living room

6. Sweep kitchen, dinning room and hall

7. Put away all under 2 year olds toys in living room.

8. Reload dishwasher


1. Put dishes away from previous night and wash any dishes that may have been used after dishwasher got started previous night

2. Straighten Kitchen Counters

3. Pull dinner for the night

4. Wash Jeans/Pants & School/work uniforms

5. Vacuum the living room

6. Sweep kitchen, dinning room and hall

7. Put away all under 2 year olds toys in living room.

8. Reload dishwasher

That is pretty much my morning. If I actually get up and do it except Laundry it takes me about 1hour to an hour and half to do it all. Also My husband usually puts the dishes away. I will not lie. He also has his own list of things to do in the morning. He does the dishes, takes the trash & recycle out each morning, feeds & waters the cat and changes or scoops his cat litter.

My oldest Ethan is responsible for his and his 2 year old brothers room. Their is a laundry basic in our back hallway and each morning he puts all the clothes in their room in there. He also helps me straighten the house, watch the babies and it's his job to help set and clear the table.

As all of my boys get older each of them will have something they can do but until than, mommy does most of it. This doesn't mean small things can't be done either. If the living room needs a 2nd vacuuming than I do it. If something gets spilled, I clean it. We have twin 9 months old so we have the occasional spit up issues. There is also feeding the boys through out the day and making lunch for Ethan and the hubby. Though I have been slacking on that one. :D It happens

I hope that if you are a person like me and hate cleaning, this gives you something you can work with. It sure helped me. Oh and a helpful piece of advice. If you don't get to do your major cleaning for that day don't try and make it up the next day. It just waits until the next week. Laundry in our family is a must every day thing and so is vacuuming, sweeping and dishes. But everything else if I miss it I don't make it up. You'll drive yourself crazy trying to do that.

Have a blessed and fantabulous day!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I've taken another page from my lovely Sharra Lynn and her Blog
and I've decided to do Insta-Sunday. It's all the pictures I've taken through the week with Instagram. I'm addicted to the thing. I hope you enjoy them.

Friday, April 20, 2012

My Favorite Things: Book Edition

I've taken a page from my Best Friend Sharra Lynn's blog (check her out Here) and I am doing My Favorite Things on Fridays.

I absolutely love to read. Anyone who knows me knows that. Until I got my Kindle I always had a book with me and know I try and take my Kindle everywhere. I need a case for it (hint hint... Sharra Lynn.) I hated to read as a child, until one summer I got grounded from everything but reading. My Grandma Hook (may her soul rest in peace) gave me these books:

As you can tell by the looks of them they are torn and well read and I will probably have them until they fall apart or I die. Which ever comes first. These were the books that turned me into reading romance novels. I will cherish them always and probably read them another dozen times.

The next set of books you see in the below picture are my Favorite Romance Novelists. These are the books I have in hard back still and as you can tell from the paperbacks they too are also well loved. Jude Deveraux write a fabulous series about the Montgomery family across time. Starting back in the 1200's or so to the present. Julie Garwood has a couple of books that go together, but she is about all kinds of people. Lastly Bertrice Small and her Skye O'Malley series is where my love of the Queen Elizabethan the I comes from.

Next is one of the best Sci-fantasy series that I've ever read. There are over 10 books in this series and it spans from the 1st set of Ohmsford's (Shea and Flick) along with their human friend Menion Leah and a powerful Druid named Allanon to their children's children's children. If you like Sci-fantasy and have never read this series you should.

The last picture you see is my ALL TIME FAVORITE BOOK, but one of my Favorite Author's. Laurell K. Hamilton in MY OPINION is one of the best Vampire/Werewolf/Fey writers ever. Her Anita Blake series is now over 20 books long with book 21 coming in June 2012. Narcissus in Chains though, happens to be my favorite book not only by her, but over all!

Here is a list of her books:

8 Merry Gentry Books

Complete list is here:

Book 1: A Kiss of Shadows
Book 2: A Caress of Twilight
Book 3: Seduced by Moonlight
Book 4: A Stroke of Midnight
Book 5: Mistral's Kiss
Book 6: A Lick of Frost
Book 7: Swallowing Darkness
Book 8: Divine Misdemeanors

21 Anita Blake Books

complete list is here:
Book 1: Guilty Pleasures
Book 2: The Laughing Corpse
Book 3: Circus of the Damned
Book 4: The Lunatic Cafe
Book 5: Bloody Bones
Book 6: The Killing Dance
Book 7: Burnt Offerings
Book 8: Blue Moon
Book 9: Obsidian Butterfly
Book 10: Narcissus in Chains
Book 11: Cerulean Sins
Book 12: Incubus Dreams
Book 13: Micah
Book 14: Danse Macabre
Book 15: The Harlequin
Book 16: Blood Noir
Book 17: Skin Trade
Book 18: Flirt
Book 19: Bullet
Book 20: Hit List
Book 21: Kiss the Dead (Out June 5, 2012)

One of my other favorite Authors is Christine Feehen, I just do not have any of her books not on my kindle.

I hope I have given you something to think about for a new book to read. Reading is still very important even if it is on a Kindle and not a paper book.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Shopping Deals

Deals Good the week of April 18th through April 25th unless noted otherwise.

Barnes Super Market

1. Green Giant Boil 'N Bag Veggies 7-10oz 5/$5.00
2. Malt O Meal Golden Puffs or Frosted Flakes 11-12 oz 5/$5.00
3. Hawaiian Punch Fruit Drink 32 oz 5/$5.00
4. Sunbeam or Colonial Giant Bread 24 oz $1.99
5. Pringles Sour Cream or Original 4.9 oz 5/$5.00


1. Bonless Top Sirloin Steaks $4.99 per lb
2. Betolli Pasta Sauce 15 - 24 oz BOGO $2.97
3. Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs $2.99 per lb
4. Perdue Fit & Easy Chicken Breast $2.99 per lb
5. Kraft Fresh Take Mix BOGO $3.19
6. Chef Boyardee Pasta 14.5-15 oz 10/$10.00
7. Hunts Ketchup 24 oz bottle BOGO $1.85
8. Welch's Concord Grape Jelly 32 oz BOGO $2.49
9. Peter Pan Peanut Butter 13-16.3 oz BOGO $3.59
10. Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies 9.5 - 14 oz BOGO $3.59
11. Assorted Texas Toast Products 10-16 oz 50% off
12. Aunt Jeminma Frozen Pancacks 6-40 ct 12.5 - 14.8 oz BOGO $2.89
13. Florida Fresh Corn on the Cob 6/$2.00
14. Dial or Tone Body Wash 13.5 - 18 oz BOGO $3.99
15. Huggies Diapers Coupon $3.00 off Publix coupon in the ad

Save A Lot

1. Oscar Mayer Sliced Bologna 12 oz BOGO 10/$10.00
2. Split Chicken Breast $1.19 per lb


1. Wishbone Dressing 16oz 2/$4.00
2. Oscar Mayer Lunchmeat 16 oz BOGO $4.49
3. Sanders Farm Whole Chicken $1.19 per lb
4. Maxwell House Coffee 31 - 34.5 oz $8.99
5. Florida Fresh Corn on the Cob 10/$3.00
6. Make O Meal Deal
Buy 3 Kellogg's Cereal
17 oz Fruit Loops, Apple Jacks or Corn Pops
23 oz Frosted Flakes
24 oz Bite Size Frosted Mini Wheats
25.5 oz Raisin Bran
Get Free
1 Gallon Win Dixie Milk (excludes Chocolate Milk)
1 Box Nutri Gran Bars 10.4 oz
2 Win Dixie Yogurt 6 oz
1 Seneca Apple Juice 48 oz

Food World

1. Oscar Mayer Deli Style Shaved Meat 7 - 9 oz BOGO $3.99
2. Kellogg's Cereal BOGO $4.79
3. Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread 20 oz (4-18 to 4-21) BOGO $3.39
4. Banquest Pot Pies 7 oz 10/$10.00
5. Gatorade Drinks 32 oz 10/$10.00
6. Black Angus T-Bone $6.99 per lb
7. U.S. Inspected T-Bone $5.99 per lb
8. Aquafresh 6.4 oz BOGO $2.79

Family Dollar

1. Tide Liquid 19 - 25 loads $ 5.00
2. Gain Powder 22-30 loads $ 5.00
3. Charmin 12 Big Squeeze Rolls $ 5.00
4. Downy Liquid 12 loads $ 3.00
5. Gain Sheets 60 Ct $ 3.00
6. Liquid Fabric Softner 21 loads $ 3.00
7. Sun Liquid 61-75 loads $ 3.75
8. Luv's Diapers Size 3-5 70-96 ct $15.00
9. Charmin 18 Big Rolls Ultra soft $ 9.00
10. 6 Big Rolls Bounty $ 9.00
11. Suave Deodorant Twin Pack 2.6 oz $ 2.75
12. Secret Deodorant Twin Pack 1.7 oz $ 2.75
13. Degree Deodorant Twin Pack 2.6 oz $ 4.00
14. Old Spice Deodorant Twin Pack 2.25 oz $ 3.00