Friday, April 20, 2012

My Favorite Things: Book Edition

I've taken a page from my Best Friend Sharra Lynn's blog (check her out Here) and I am doing My Favorite Things on Fridays.

I absolutely love to read. Anyone who knows me knows that. Until I got my Kindle I always had a book with me and know I try and take my Kindle everywhere. I need a case for it (hint hint... Sharra Lynn.) I hated to read as a child, until one summer I got grounded from everything but reading. My Grandma Hook (may her soul rest in peace) gave me these books:

As you can tell by the looks of them they are torn and well read and I will probably have them until they fall apart or I die. Which ever comes first. These were the books that turned me into reading romance novels. I will cherish them always and probably read them another dozen times.

The next set of books you see in the below picture are my Favorite Romance Novelists. These are the books I have in hard back still and as you can tell from the paperbacks they too are also well loved. Jude Deveraux write a fabulous series about the Montgomery family across time. Starting back in the 1200's or so to the present. Julie Garwood has a couple of books that go together, but she is about all kinds of people. Lastly Bertrice Small and her Skye O'Malley series is where my love of the Queen Elizabethan the I comes from.

Next is one of the best Sci-fantasy series that I've ever read. There are over 10 books in this series and it spans from the 1st set of Ohmsford's (Shea and Flick) along with their human friend Menion Leah and a powerful Druid named Allanon to their children's children's children. If you like Sci-fantasy and have never read this series you should.

The last picture you see is my ALL TIME FAVORITE BOOK, but one of my Favorite Author's. Laurell K. Hamilton in MY OPINION is one of the best Vampire/Werewolf/Fey writers ever. Her Anita Blake series is now over 20 books long with book 21 coming in June 2012. Narcissus in Chains though, happens to be my favorite book not only by her, but over all!

Here is a list of her books:

8 Merry Gentry Books

Complete list is here:

Book 1: A Kiss of Shadows
Book 2: A Caress of Twilight
Book 3: Seduced by Moonlight
Book 4: A Stroke of Midnight
Book 5: Mistral's Kiss
Book 6: A Lick of Frost
Book 7: Swallowing Darkness
Book 8: Divine Misdemeanors

21 Anita Blake Books

complete list is here:
Book 1: Guilty Pleasures
Book 2: The Laughing Corpse
Book 3: Circus of the Damned
Book 4: The Lunatic Cafe
Book 5: Bloody Bones
Book 6: The Killing Dance
Book 7: Burnt Offerings
Book 8: Blue Moon
Book 9: Obsidian Butterfly
Book 10: Narcissus in Chains
Book 11: Cerulean Sins
Book 12: Incubus Dreams
Book 13: Micah
Book 14: Danse Macabre
Book 15: The Harlequin
Book 16: Blood Noir
Book 17: Skin Trade
Book 18: Flirt
Book 19: Bullet
Book 20: Hit List
Book 21: Kiss the Dead (Out June 5, 2012)

One of my other favorite Authors is Christine Feehen, I just do not have any of her books not on my kindle.

I hope I have given you something to think about for a new book to read. Reading is still very important even if it is on a Kindle and not a paper book.

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