Saturday, June 27, 2015


So I stayed quiet yesterday and I was gonna not say anything at all about this, but after seeing all the cheering (along with bashing Christians) and the bashing from so called Christians I feel I must address something on my feed.

I am all for Equality.  I believe everyone should be treated equal no matter what.  Your life style is your business.  As long as you aren't harming anyone (truly harming) then live your life how you see fit.  If you wanna have sex with your Goat by all means have fun, but don't expect me to join in or even be around when you do that.  But please respect my right to have my opinion.  The reason I feel the need to write this is because on both sides I've seen in the last 24 hours someone (more then one someone) state if you aren't with me your against me and that makes you the enemy.  These are the same people that were shouting not 48 hours ago that there shouldn't be a race card.  That everyone is equal.  So forgive me if I'm confused.  You are only for Equality if it fits your agenda?

1. We are the land of the right to choose whatever religion we want
2. We are the land to love who ever we want
3. We are the land of you can be whoever you wanna be as long as you work hard and put forth an effort.
4. We are the land of many opportunities.
5. We are the land of a bunch of Hypocrites
6. We are the land of If you don't believe in my Religion, Political Agenda then Fuck you.
7. We are the land of if you aren't my race, if you don't like the same sex I do then Fuck you.

Do you see where this is going?  All it takes is one Whisper to turn into a roar either good or bad.  All it takes is one bad thing to ruin a tremendous amount of good things.  But it takes a shit ton of good for it to dent the bad.  What is wrong with you people?  Yes there are bad people out there that are Extremists, but mostly it's just every day people trying to handle their own shit.  People keep jumping on what ever band wagon is popular at the moment.

It takes just one person to change the world.  Truly it does.  I know you've read or heard me before, but we in my household are trying to be that person.  We are teaching the boys to love everyone.  To forgive (because holding grudges just breeds negativity) but not forget.  To not see the color of ones skin, but see the soul inside.  We don't judge anyone and everyone who wants to start something can stay away.  There are plenty of things people in my life do and I scratch my head and think to myself, what the hell were they thinking.  But I do not blast them on FB, I don't degrade them in front of our peers.  I may pull them to the side and go, "Okay, what the hell is going on?"  And at the end I may still not understand, but at the end of the day it's not my life.  I try and support/guide if I can.  Somethings I just have no knowledge of and I can't do anything but be the ear that listens.  As long as it doesn't harm me or mine have yourself a merry time.

But understand this people who believe the whole if you aren't with me your against me crap you are your own worst enemy.  You are showing more intolerance then anyone else.  You are giving them more reason to say, "See why should I be tolerant, they aren't."  Be the bigger person.  I understand you have to stand up and fight for what you believe, but that doesn't give you the right to be ugly if I don't agree with you.

Say I was a Die hard follow the Bible Christian.  That is my right.  It is my right to not agree with the new Marriage Equality Law.  It is within my right to say it is wrong and goes against my religion.  IF I am a Die hard Lesbian who doesn't believe in the Bible, that is well within my rights to disagree with a Bible thumping Christian.  But that doesn't give either one right to bash the other.  You each have an opinion which should and can be discussed civilly.

Just because you are this race doesn't give you the right to bash that race.  I'm sorry our country was founded on Slavery, but if you read your history correctly it wasn't just Africans that were sold into Slavery.  The Irish were treated a lot the same way.  Some giving their lives up for servitude to live in the US and not in their home country.  But to keep harping on something that happened more then 100 years ago and to keep blaming people of today is wrong.  That is my write to say that.  We have Blackfeet Indian running through our veins but you don't see my raising cane and causing scenes over what was done.

You can't change the past, but you can change the future.  Once voice, one random act of kindness, one person can change the world.  Not all Peach colored (I'm sorry I'm not white) people are bigots and against Darker colored people.  Not all Darker Skinned people are against Peach skinned people.  Not all Christians are against the LGBT community.  Not all LGBT hate Christians.  But until we set it all aside and just be nice to everyone there will be hate and discontent and just plain Rage.  Are there people out there that hate some group or religion, yes.  But that's not everyone.

Just remember EVERYONE has a right to their OWN OPINION!  We do still live in a Free Country (at the moment).

No I am not a professional blogger, this is my personal one. So there are spelling errors and Grammer errors, but I don't care.  :D  Much love to all.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A Rant on my Soapbox

As with most of my blogs, let me say that there will probably be spelling & grammar errors.  I might make some of you mad.  But as we live with free will, my opinions are my opinions.  I'm allowed to have a different one then you.  As you don't have to agree with me, you can have your own opinion.  Please understand though, just because we have different opinions doesn't me I have the right to force mine down your throat or you to force yours down mine.  I'm all for a great discussion as long as that's what it is.  No bashing, no name calling, no religion thumping and no shoving it down my throat.  This is just a small portion of what goes on in my head... Please bear with me.  

I've read a lot in the last 48 hours about Bruce Jenner/Caitlyn Jenner.  How she's a Hero, How she's not a hero, How he will always be a he, How he and everyone like him is going to hell.  And the list goes on and on.  As someone who is friends with a number of the Transgender community she has taken the steps many of these people would like to take to become the person they are inside.  It is not for anyone to Judge.  (I know as a majority Homosapiens will judge)  Yes, if you believe in the bible it does state (not exact words) to show the lost the path.  What it does not say is to shove that path down our throats and make us feel like we are worth nothing.  Everyone is entitled to an opinion and has the right to express that opinion, but not the right to be hatefully or hurtful with it.  

I have fought with my "religion" all my life.  Trying to figure out if I fit into any of the hundreds of religions out there.  I've been to many different "churches" and never seemed to fit into any given one.  I even thought for a while there I found a "Home"  but in the end I still felt like I didn't belong there and moved on.  As of this moment I believe there is a Big Man up there, but I have a very hard time with any organized religion. Now that portion being said, I believe in equal rights for every HOMOSAPIEN.  I don't care if you are male, female, black, white, gay, straight, transgender or whatever.  I do not think it is our place to judge anyone.  That is between the person and their maker.  Their maker is the one who will judge in the end.  

I believe that there a many types of Hero's in this world.  You don't have to wear a uniform to be a Hero.  Just many that do wear them are.  I believe Bruce/Caitlyn Henner is a Hero for the Transgender Community.  This is a step in the right direction for them.  Hopefully a step towards acceptance.  I think it's funny how in today's society there is still a race card, but have you ever noticed no matter what race everyone "hates" the LGBT Community.  This will be a never ending battle until People learn it is not our place to judge.  But again, some will always judge.  It is Homosapien nature. 

I Very MUCH SUPPORT our LGBT Community.  But please understand as long as you aren't hurting people I pretty much support.  In my household we are teaching our children to accept everyone based on the person they are on the inside.  Not the color of their skin, their religion, or who the have sex with or love.  A person is a person.  People also make mistakes and for those that are truly trying to atone for the mistakes and become a better person then they deserve a second chance.  Our home is Sanctuary.  For those of our friends in need, who need help.  Once you step foot on our property you put aside all your hate or prejudices aside and we are just family! 

So this rant has gone all over the place and if you have been able to follow it great if not then oh well.  But the bottom line is EVERYONE should be treated EQUAL No Matter what! 

For my Ohana reading this I LOVE ALL OF YOU!  

Sunday, March 22, 2015

A little Bit about us

It’s been almost 3 years since I wrote a blog.  I’m going to try and get back into writing at least once a month, if not once a week.  There have been a lot of changes in our lives in 3 years.  So I’m going to start this Blog off with background on myself and my family for those that may come across it and go um….what in the world.  LOL!  Please understand this is not a professional blog, so I have spelling and grammer errors. 

At the time of writing this exact blog I am 34 years old.  My husband and I have been together for 8 years this year and married 5 of those.  We have 8 Children we call ours though not all of them are ours by blood.  Coming into our relationship my husband had 3 girls he called his own (and they called him dad) for years even though he was not their biological father.  He dated their mother and when the relationship went south he stayed in contact with the girls.  Our youngest girl (who is now 21) at the time had a best friend that we “adopted” into our family.  Even though she lives in another state now she is still one of ours.  I came into our marriage with our oldest son, whom I had in a previous marriage.  We were quite content with the lot we had.  But the Big Person upstairs had other plans.  In March of 2010 we had our Mack.  He spent 6 days in the NICU because they didn’t like the way he was breathing, but that is for a different blog entry.  In Dec of 2010 Daniel and I got married.  That month we also found out we were having another baby.  Talk about a shocker.  But wait it gets better.  In Jan of 2011 we found out we were having not one, but two.  Yes you read that correctly.  We were having twins.  I will not lie, I was scared out of my mind.  I mean holy rusted metal Batman…. here we were at the time with a 6 soon to be 7 year old and a not even 1 year old and now we were having twins.  Oh my Daleks (as we say in our house)!!  Again I’m not gonna lie I prayed for boys.  We already had two and I’m a tomboy.  I had no clue what I’d do with a girl, let alone two. Well my prayers were answered and I was carrying two boys.   At the end of June 2011 my father in law’s blood sugar sky rocketed and he had an episode that landed him in the hospital and we thought for sure we were going to lose him.  He was in a coma for roughly a month.  On July 17, 2011 I went in to Labor and Delivery and told them the boys were coming.  Since I was only 32 weeks they attempted to stop my labor.  My husband, was running between my room and his fathers room which were a floor apart.  On July 18, 2011 Malachi and Killian made their grand entrance into the world.  This would be 2 days before my father in law and his twin sister were to celebrate their birthdays. Within days my father in law woke up and is still alive today.

This was the start of where we are today.  It was with the birth of our twins that has taught me it truly takes a village to raise a child.  Our family has grown so much since Daniel and I started dating in 2007.  We don’t just have our children, we have those we call family.  You’ll see in this blog that we are teaching our children to love based on what is on the inside, not the outside.  Our home has become Sanctuary to many.  When you come on our property you leave all the BS and drama behind.  You don’t have to worry what people will think.  We don’t judge.  Now we may look at you and go, “What in the Sam Hell were you thinking?”  But it will be said with a hug and love and possibly a punch to the shoulder.  One of our motto’s comes from the movie Stitch and when we first started using it we were a little family. 

This is my family. I found it all on my own. It's little, and broken, but still good. Yeah - still good.” 

We still use that one, though we are not a little family any more.  We also use:

Ohana means family, and Family means nobody gets left behind.. or forgotten”

In my blog you will see me talk about many things and many people.  A lot will revolve around my Family.  Our family has everyone from Church Goers to Pot Smokers.  Tattooed and Non Tattooed.  Gays, Straights, Lesbians and Transgenders.  Black, Asian, Latino, Scottish, Heinz 57 mixed mutts.  We have young and old.  Our family is who loves us and us them.

A few notes to help you further understand us:

Many of our family are Whovians.

We cosplay.

We are geeks and very proud of it.

We swear, drink and most of us own guns.

While yes I believe in the Big Person upstairs I am beginning to understand I don’t really fit into any religion (A Blog for another day).

So please, love us or hate us.  Read my blog or don’t.  But maybe just maybe it will help someone understand themselves a little better.   

I can’t wait to get started on what I hope is the first of many Blogs to come.