Tuesday, October 19, 2010

2 in one day, but not another Soapbox

So not on my Soapbox any more but I do need to say some thank you's. I think I'm gonna take from Sharra's Blog and Start a Flip off Friday blog. But I think I'm also gonna do a Thank you Tuesdays. :D

Thank you's:

Sharra Lynn & Leslie Anne: thank you for watching Peanut on Saturday nights so I can bowl and for using your cars to get me to bowling.

My parents for always being there and never letting me forget who I am.

Terrie and Daniel for watching Ethan when I needed a break.

Daniel for loving me no matter whatand for loving my son and calling him his own. For working the way he does to provide for his family. For bringing the girls into my life. I love you guys!

Ethan for being the best little boy and big brother that a kid can be.

To old friendships renewed and to new friendships found.

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