Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Today's Soapbox

So before you read any further… please understand that this is MY BLOG and I can say whatever I want. I will probably offend people with this and I will not apologize for it. These are my opinions and we live in the Good USA where I have the right to express my opinion. :D I will be soap boxing quite a few different subjects and Unfortunately I will probably bounce between subjects. I will try to keep them separate, but some will cross each other.

I heard something today that just made me upset (no I wont be telling about that) and I’m going to get on my Soap Box!! So here it goes:

1. Adoption

A) Why is it that we as American’s go to other Countries to adopt children? There are MILLIONS of children here in the USA that need loving families. I mean Seriously people. Wake up! I get that there are children over seas that need homes too, but HELLO there are children here.

B) Why is it people also only want BABIES? There are other children that need homes too. Little kids that grow up thinking “no one wants me” because they aren’t a baby.

What as American’s are we thinking? Is it cheaper to adopt outside of the USA? If that’s the case than maybe the government needs to think about that. Here we are bringing in more people into an already populated country when we have some many here that we could be giving homes.

2. Immigration / Immigrant

A) Okay I understand that everyone wants to come to the US because we are such a great country. BUT you need to do it correctly and the Government needs to take a firmer hand in this. If you did not come in correctly than boot their asses back to where they came from. If they come into the ER and are hurt, treat them and call whoever it is they need to call to have them deported. I’m sorry it’s harsh, but we need to do something.
- They are here and they aren’t paying taxes yet they can get Medicaid and food stamps (that will be addressed shortly)

B) WE ARE IN AMERICA!!! LEARN ENGLISH. I know again you’re being so harsh. BULL CRAP! The simple fact that I have to push 1 for English tells me that we as American’s are toooo much trying not to offended other people. THEY SHOULD have to push 1 for whatever language. I mean come on people!!!! Who cares if we offended someone who comes into AMERICA and refuses to learn it’s language.

C) There should be a list of things that immigrants need to learn before being allowed to be here.
- English
- Our laws

3. Food stamps

A) If you are on them they should drug test you. I think randomly once a month you have to be tested for drugs.

B) I HATE people (mostly women) who buy 10.00 with their food stamps (junk food) and than pull out a WAD (yes I said WAD) of money from their brand new jeans with the freshly done nails to pay for their cigarettes & beer. Than they walk out and get into a brand new car that has rims on it that are worth more than my car. Or they have enough “Bling” on them that if they sold it I could probably pay my car off and buy another one.

C) People (mostly single women) who continue to have children and live off the system. (this is a two part one.. Both here in my food stamp rant and again later one)

4. People who abuse the system

A) If you can’t afford the child than prevent from having them. People can have a pregnancy that is an accident once some even twice (Specially if they are years apart) I get that. But if you are 25 and have 7 children with more than 5 dads, learn to CLOSE YOUR LEGS! MY GOD!
- Now if you can afford children than hey.. More power to you. (Look at the family on tv 19 and counting.)
- If it goes against your religion to use birth control than don’t ask the STATE for help.
I’m not sorry if I seem like a B*tch, but I’m tired of paying for other people to have children just to live off the state.

5. Public Restrooms
This has got to be my biggest pet peeve.

A) DO NOT PEE on the seat and leave it for the next person to clean it up. HELLO… Can you say “germs are us” and massively disgusting.

B) If you feel the need to use the bathroom and you are one of these people than use the tissue for the seat most places provide or use Toilet paper and cover the seats and seat down on them.

C) Also women… Please FLUSH THE TOLIET! I don’t wanna know it’s your time of the month because you are afraid of touching the handle.

Last but not least the two that will PISS people off

7. If you are AMERICAN than you are an AMERICAN

I do not care if you are BLACK, WHITE, MEXICAN, OR ASIAN if you are a citizen of the USA than you are an AMERICAN, not a Mexican American, a Asian American or an African American. The only people that can claim that they are “Something” American would be the Indian’s, because they were here first. Even if you moved here and are now a citizen, you are an AMERICAN. Your heritage is Asian, Mexican, Korean, African or whatever. I don’t say that I am European American so why does that give everyone else the right to say that they are “Whatever” American. Love your heritage, but be an AMERICAN. Until we can lose all these titles that go with American we’ll never be one country.

8. We live in the land of Religious Tolerance…

A) That does not give you the right to shove your religion down my throat.

B) Just because you think your religion is the “TRUE RELIGION” does not give you the right to slam any other religion. Yes I understand you want them to come to “Your” religion but they believe just as much as you do if not more that their religion is the “TRUE RELIGION”

C) Why is it you can’t listen to your music loudly in your own car, but they have preachers, ministers, and church people screaming on the corners. Why do they get to disturb my peace but I can’t listen to my music as loud as I want it.

Okay my rant is done. If you are still reading this than thank you for reading my rant. I hope maybe I’ve given you something to think about.

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