Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 has ended and 2011 has begun

I've been doing nothing but thinking since 12-27-10. That is the day we found out we were going to have another baby! That was just the icing on the cake of things I've been thinking. I know we are never given more than we can handle, but I'm hoping this doesn't break us. I was reading something today that a friend wrote about Daniel and I and it made me realize how very lucky I am in my life.

In 2010:

1. Ethan made all A or A/B honor roll in the school year
2. We had Penaut and realized how very strong parents have to be with their children when something goes wrong. (MOM...I love you and I now understand how you felt with me... If I haven't said it before You are MY HERO!!!)
3. Realized that the saying "It takes a village to raise a child" is correct. Sharra, Leslie Anne I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here to help out on Saturday nights with PEANUT.
4. I have some of the greatest best friends and I have the worlds 2 best Besties!!! Even though in my eyes my parents are the Worlds BEST, I have to send out love to Mr. Craig! He has helped me with Ethan getting to and from Church and for that I'm Grateful!
5. I have one of the worlds best sons. He has such a big heart and all he does is want to give. Because of the brain storm Ethan had his school collected over $1500.00 to give to Sacred Heart's Women and Children's Center. He has many more idea's to collect more money to give to the NICU at SHH!
6. I have the greatest Husband (still not used to saying that). He bust his booty to provide for our family. He works at UAR 50-60 hours a week and than at Pizza Hut another 20 hours or so. Than on the weekends, he helps out around the house. Like today he did the laundry so Ethan and I could go to the movies just the two of us. Daniel I LOVE YOU!
7. I've gone from Ethan and I in 2006 to Ethan, Daniel and I in 2007. In 2008 I found out Daniel had 3 beautiful girls that called him dad. In 2009 I finally got to meet them and the youngest brought her BF Erica with her and We went from Daniel, Ethan and I to Daniel, Ethan, Kelsea, Erica, Carolyn, Jackie and I. Carolyn had Shon and he is our First Grandchild. Now at the end of 2010 we have: Daniel, Peanut, Ethan, Kelsea, Erica, Jackie (her son Chevy), Carolyn (her two sons Shon & Lyric). And now at the end of 2010 we find out we will have another baby in the middle of 2011. Mom said the other day, "Mack we always wanted a big family. Maybe we weren't supposed to have it, but Tasha was." HAHAHA!
8. I don't always remember to tell people Thank you for all they do for us. So if I've ever forgotten I'm sorry and THANK YOU!

I think that's it.

Oh.. Special Note:

To Sharra Lynn,

We have known each other since 1996 and we've had our ups and downs. our likes and dislikes. We've been friends, enemies and hated each other. I think we have finally grown up and you are a soul mate sister (not by birth, but by soul). I don't know what I would do without you. You are my friend, my confidante(SP), and my sister. You are my children's Aunt and you were there for the birth of Peanut. You have been a person to make me laugh or a shoulder for me to cry on. I love YOU girl!!!!

To Leslie Anne,

I am soo very glad you are home and I pray that you stay close to us. It has been great with you here. It was like you never left. It was like 12 years apart never happened. I am soo thankful you talked to me all those years ago and that we have remained friends all this time. Thank you for being there for me to rant and rave. Like Sharra Lynn I feel as if you are my soulmate sister. I Love you!

Night all! Hopefully 2011 will bring even more blessed issue's in our life and leave the troubled ones out of it.

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