Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Life and it's changes

So I was sitting here and realized that I haven't posted anything on here in a while. Life has certainly changed in our household. We are very blessed. I could complain, but seriously I don't have a whole lot to complain about. Everyone wishes there was more money. But with more money comes more head aches I think. Besides that I mean seriously what do I have to complain about???? I have this fantastically wonderful husband who has more than shown he loves our family by working himself to death to provide for our family. And he does it because he wants to not because he has too. I have the great 7yr old that loves his brother to pieces and you can tell. He has this huge heart and is smarter than a whip. He surprises me on a daily biases with his insight on things. Ethan's last day at MPCS will be this Friday (which is the end of the year) and he will be attending Longleaf next year. It saddens me to do this, because MPCS has wonderful teachers and I was looking forward to Ethan having Mrs. Marvin next year, but life has a way changing things. LOL. Ethan is excited about this new change in his life. There will be a bunch of new opportunities for him to partake in. Life sports at the school, I've heard Longleaf does things with Relay for Life, they have a jogging club that is quite abit longer than MPCS (Not there is anything wrong with your Jogging Club Heather, it's great and you started him on this path with it), and a variety of other things he'll be able to do. I have a wonderful 14 month old that while yes he loves me, his whole face lights up when Daniel walks in the room and it makes all the "heartaches" worth it.

We have a roof over our head, food in our bellies and each other. I have these great parents that I just seriously don't know what I would have done with out them. As I grow older they have become my best friends. And speaking of best friends, I have some of the best. I've written about some of them before so I'm not gonna go into detail about everyone.

Terrie and Daniel you know what you've done and you know I'll never ever be able to repay you for the blessing you were in my life when I needed it. I'm so very glad to have you as Ethan's "GOD" parents.

Sharra Lynn, you and I have had our ups and downs and everything in between and some how the Good Lord has seen to it that we have remained friends and their for each other no matter what. I know that I can call you in the middle of the night and you would be there for me in a heart beat. Having you there this past Sunday night helped me (and Daniel) more than you will ever know. You being there for the birth of Peanut meant the world to me and knowing (as long as it's not a C-Section) that you will be there again for the twins is just awesome. We couldn't have picked better "GOD" parents for Peanut than you and Matt.

Leslie Anne.... You always seem to know just the right time to call me and tell me something (usually about your children) that just makes me laugh my ass off and melt away my worries for just a little while.

Kimmie you are and will always be my baby. You know what I mean. NO matter how long we go in between talking we seem to pick up right where we left off. I love you for that and much much more.

I have a bunch of other friends and you all know who you are that have been amazing, but I do need to say a special thank you to Pam. I wondered why God had put such a unique person in my path and as these months have past I know why. You have helped me more than you will ever know. And I know it's "NO BIG THING" to swing by and pick Ethan up for school or drop him off, but it made it to where I didn't have to get Peanut up and dressed or we got that extra 30 minutes of sleep. SO THANK YOU PAM!

And also Taco and Jess. You guys were placed in our lives for a reason and Taco there are days I wonder why, but than you do something like help the in-laws and ask for nothing in return. You helped us with the Van and everything that is coming with that. Jess you dropped everyting Sunday night and came and picked the Peanut up for us. I know that the two of you are going to make awesome "GOD" parents to the twins.

Ms. Kim you have become family over the last couple of years and not just because you started out as my parents friend. You have this amazing heart that is always open to the people you are about and I am very greatful to be one of those people.

Than there is Daniel. Not only is he the most wonderful husband, but he is also the best friend I am glad I have. (Our marriage is sooo much like my parents and I'm glad for that) You understand me better than I think anyone else can and you put up with my mood swings and my issues and yet you still love me and are still my pillar of strength to lean against. When we decided to give this thing a trial biases I never would have thought we would have ended up where we are. I knew deep down that you were meant to be in my life, but I just didn't know in which way and I have to say that I'm soooo very glad that it is this way. You are my other half and you make me smile even when I don't want to. You make me feel beautiful when I know there is no way in hell I'm even pretty at that time...like when I'm sick and I'm coughing, my nose is gushing like a fountain and my hair is in 10 different directions. When I get that good Morning beautiful text it makes everything fall into place. No we have 2 beautiful children and 2 more on the way and I wouldn't change anything. I love you and thank God daily that you were put back into my life. It just took us 10+ years to get to where we are that's all.

I want to thank all the people that have been praying for us in this time of need. I'm scared to death about the twins. I don't want to do anything to screw up and hurt one of them, so I'm trying to do everything the doctor says, but it's hard. It's not fair for Daniel to come home after working both jobs and have to do the dishes (because I can't lean over the sink) or the laundry (because I can't get to the bottom of the washer). But I've been told not to do anything that will cause stress on myself or the twins. So thank you all of you, specially Daniel.

I think I've blogged enough tonight and babbled enough and probably bored more than 1/2 of you. Remember to live life to the fullest and say I love you to all the important people in your life.

Love you peeps!

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