Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Life and everything with it.

Hello to anyone who is reading this.  I want to apologize for being absent for so long.  Life has a funny way of getting in the way, if you know what I mean.  

Bug had his tubes put in last Thursday and the difference in that child is amazing.  I have started a journey in my life.  I am officially a Pampered Chef Consultant.  I had to start feeling like I was doing something other than raising my children.  Well yes I know that is the most important job of all, I am glad to be able to get out of house and do something with a product I love.  

I will be starting a new this week and I do apologize again for the absence.  I will be back posting my Insta-Sunday's, but not anything else.  We'll just start fresh this week.  Thank you for having patience with me at this time.  

Have a fantabulous day all! 

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