Saturday, May 22, 2010

Blessed in Life

So I'm sitting here on a Saturday night and Kelsea (my 16 yr old) is sitting next to me on the laptop watching NCIS (the one where Zeva kills Ari), Ethan (my 6 yr old) and Erica (my might as well be mine 16 yr old) is in the Dungeon playing Mario. I think to myself, "When did this become my life?" I'm not complaining in the least, I am the happiest I've ever been. Don't get me wrong, I do get the baby blues occasionally but otherwise I Love the way my life is going. I have the worlds best husband (I know he's not yet, but he might as well be), I have the best parents anyone could ask for (they are our best friends), I have wonderful children (there are technically 6 of them now. Carolyn, Jackie, Kelsea, Erica, Ethan and Mack), Plus I have some great friends. There is a roof over our head and food in our belly's. Seriously what more can you ask for. It would be nice to have more money, a bigger house, a van instead of my cruiser (more room). But really there isn't a major need for any of those.

Hopefully I'll be able to post some stories and poems here soon. I'm working on a couple of things and I'll want your honest opinions. Though I'm not sure how many people actually read this, because besides my mother I've gotten no feed back and that was to tell me I had a grammar error in one of my poems. :D

Where will life take me next I don't know, but I know I'm ready for the ride.

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