Monday, May 17, 2010

Children given back

Okay, so Ethan decided he wanted to give back to the people who "helped his baby brother" and to his community. So I talked to Ethan's Principle Mrs. June and she likes the idea about a Penny War. Now for those of you who don't know what a Penny War is: Each class collects Pennys and which ever class has the most pennys after the allotted time wins. Now say this "war" lasts a week, on Tuesday the kids bring in silver and try and put them in the buckets of other classes. Silver is counted against them. So if 1st grade had 400 pennys at the start of Tuesday and at the end of the day they have another 300 pennys but they have 4 quarters in their bucket, they are only counted for 200 pennys. So, All the money collected during this will go to The Children's Hospital. That is my son for you.

Now we had already decided we were going to do 5 community service, volunteering, things this summer. Do you know how hard it is to find something for a 6 yr old to volunteer for. The United Way said he was too young, The Children's Hospital says he's too young to do anything other than cards and goody bags. Miracle Camp says they use only adult volunteers. I'm still waiting for Make a Wish Foundation to call me back. UGH!

I am thinking that people don't realize that if we teach our children young to give back, than they'll always do what they can. If you wait until they are a teenager than they are less likely to do volunteer work. I want both my sons to understand that there are places we can help right here in the USA! I understand some of these 3rd world countries are worse off than us, but if we keep sending all our resources and funds to help them, who is gonna help us when we really need it? Not the people we've been helping. There are homeless people here in the US. There are children here in the US that need adopting. There are areas here in the US that need our help. Crap, I got on my soapbox. I'm sorry.

If anyone knows some places that a 6 yr old can volunteer his time (specially if it helps children) please let me know.


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