Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Not even sure how to title this

I have sat here for days and typed and deleted, typed and deleted and typed and deleted this blog.  The reason being I would start out fairly southern, but sure enough 1/2 through it my northern side would rear it's ugly head and crap, obviously not calm enough to write this.  

So hopefully with this try over a week later I'll be able to sit and write everything I need to say.  Now remember as always these are my opinions and I have the right to them.  You have the right to like them or not like them.  If you are of a mind you have the right to not read my blog and get bent.  I have decided that I'm 32 years old and truthfully sick of all the crap that is still going on 14 years after high school ended.  I get that everyone (and I mean everyone) has drama in their lives, but when you cause most of your own drama I have no sympathy.  I am probably going to piss people off and I might even lose some friendships but if you can't handle my opinion of things than obviously we weren't friends to begin with.  I AM NOT POINTING FINGERS at anyone I'm just stating things I see and it's a combination of years and years of frustration over some things.  I will also limit the names I do use for I know they will not care that I've used them, but if I have not used a name, please respect the fact that I haven't used a name and don't mention any names.  If you do, I will DELETE the comment.  

For the record I am not perfect, hell I'm probably the farthest thing from it so don't think that with this blog I am saying I am perfect and everyone else is not.  Let me explain things so everyone knows what is going on in this household, that way no one can say I'm passing judgement from my perfect palace.  

Just because I don't talk about it or post it on facebook all the time doesn't mean I don't have my bad days.  Since the twins came along I have struggled with a small bout of depression.  I've never experienced this before and at first didn't understand what was going on.  It took until just 4 or 5 months ago for me to come to terms with what is going on.  Because we make a hair too much money for state assistance in insurance, but not enough to actually get insurance any other way, I am without it.  So instead of borrowing money from my parents to go to the doctor, my fabulous husband and our friend Jacob, have taken on the brunt of my frustrations.  They have held me up and held me tight through horrible crying fits that I thought I would surely break into a million pieces from.  Remember please I am a strong person and for me this is unacceptable.  I do everything I can to not have these in front of our children, because I do not want them to be effected by this in any way.  I know that at least my oldest understand that I am going through something, but I do not think the little ones have a clue.  I hope they don't anyways, please let me have my delusions.  Now, where it has effected my children is the fact that I did not want to go anywhere and I did not want to do anything.  I wanted to sit here and be in my own little bubble.  The problem with this is that means I have no face to face time with adults.  So I am with just my children all day every day.  As most of you especially stay at home moms know, our job is 24/7 and is 365 days a year.  There is no sick time, no vacations.  So in combination with being depressed, slowly I was going insane too I think.  Again all this was happening and I didn't understand it until about 4-5 months ago.  Never in all that time did I think about ending my life or that of my children.  I just wanted to scream and cry and be held by the people who love me most.  

Now that we/I understand what I am going through we have been working to get me better and all this without the help of meds and doctors.  (NOT BASHING ANYONE WHO IS ON MEDS OR GOES TO THE DOCTOR)  Hopefully this will help you understand why I don't have the time or energy to deal with some of the crap I read, heard and seen on a daily bases.  

So let us begin with my Soapbox:

1. If you complain there is never enough money and either you or your spouse or you and your spouse don't work (and there is no legitimate medical or mental reason for not working) get off your lazy ass and find a freaking job.  I'm sorry it might not be your "DREAM" job, but GOOD LORD it's a damn job.  So you are flipping burgers or working behind a counter at a gas station you are providing for yourself or your family.  Get over yourself.  When you have a family to feed and provide for NOTHING should be beneath you.  So what if you have to work 2-3 jobs.  You choose to have a family no get off your ass and provide for them.  At the moment Daniel is not working his butt off at both jobs, but we've noticed that it looks like we need some income coming in from that 2nd job.  So he will go back to working 45 hours or more at job 1 and than go to job 2 and work 20-40 hours there.  Meaning we at the house wont see him.  I'll be back to putting everyone to bed by myself most nights and doing shower time with just my oldest and I.  It's gonna be tough, but we can do it.  We will make it through this like we have everything else in life.  Does Daniel want to do this, no.  He enjoys spending time with his family, but he UNDERSTANDS what it means to take care of his family.  

2. If you complain there is never enough money, but you are constantly going out or buying new things I have NO SYMPATHY for you.  Ever once in a while splurging is one thing, but when you are going out 3-5 times a week or every weekend there is an issue.  If you buy something that is wanted but not needed at that time and than don't have money for your bills, there is an issue.  Again the every once in awhile splurging is different.  If you don't have the money to put gas in your car at the end of the week, but you have been out and about ever day doing nothing but being out of the house, NO SYMPATHY.  We grounded the van for a full week and a half and I went no where I didn't absolutely have to go because we knew we weren't gonna have the extra cash.  

3. I'm not sorry for my opinion on this one, but sorry it may hurt feelings.  If you put your schooling before you providing for your family.  What I mean by this, is instead of working to provide for your family and doing school around that to better yourself.  When because you are going to school full time the only income you are getting is from your loans and state assistance and you don't have enough money to feed your children, or pay your light bill or rent and you complain about it, I have NO SYMPATHY.  I understand the need to better yourself, so you can provide better for your children.  BUT, that should never come before making sure they are feed and provided for.  

4. My oldest father is not in the picture, he lives in a different state and has had no face to face contact with him since he was 6 weeks old, no phone contact with him since he was 3-4 years old and no email/facebook/myspace, snail mail contact since he was probably 5 years old.  No birthday or Christmas cards or presents since 3-4. Some months child support comes in, some months it doesn't.  I don't ever count on that money though, because the minute I do I stop getting it.  I try to spend 25% on things my oldest wants.  The rest I use to help pay bills for the house or with sport activities.  I have no need for my ex husband and I am sure he feels the same about me, but I NEVER BASH HIM in front of or around or where my oldest might see it.  All it does is make you look like an idiot later in life.  If your other parent is a first class loser, let your children find out on their own and just be there for them. Also never assume you know all the facts going on in your ex's life.  They are an ex for a reason and your probably aren't involved in all the information.

5. If you have a parent (dad or mom) that wants to be involved in the kids life, unless there is a damn good reason let them be.  No offense women, you have a dad that is willing to pay child support and willing to split custody and WANTS to spend time with their child(ren) why would you not let them?  All that will cause if for your child later in life to realize that it is you that wouldn't let them go see their dad.  Vice verse for Dad's with a mom (Though it's not nearly as common).  

6. If you keep popping kids out and you can't afford or handle the ones you currently have, NO SYMPATHY! Get over yourselves.  There are families out there that want children and can afford them, but can't have them.  Here you are, 1,2,5,10 children later, living (not assisted) off the state and you can't figure out what causes it.  USE A DAMN CONDOM OR GET SOME BIRTH CONTROL!   Better yet get FIXED!  After we had our 2nd child we decided Daniel would get fixed.  Well the money was never there and I didn't know you could get help through the health clinic if you qualified for it.  We decided that our income tax of 2011 would be used to make that happen.  Well the big man upstairs decided that we weren't done and blessed us with our youngest two, the twins.  Let me tell you something at 5 months pregnant Daniel went and snip snip we weren't having any more children.  But I'd rather be safe than sorry so I went and had myself done also.  If we get pregnant now there better a star in the sky and three wise men with lots of gold headed my way.  NOW.... that being said, we currently have a friend who went in and did the same thing I did and hers didn't take.  That is a different situation.  I get some religions don't believe in Birth control of any type, well than understand that I hope the state stops helping you.  I know that may be cruel, but up until our 2nd child I worked 40-60 hours a week and paid my taxes and did all that junk, I don't want to pay for you to sit on your butt because you have to many children and can't afford daycare now.  I don't care what age you are either.  If you can't afford or handle your current children, may you should think about getting fixed.  Just saying.

7. Now to all you people that LIVE OFF OUR SYSTEM (if it isn't a valid reason) I'd like to smack the hell out of you!  The system is there to help people.  Now partially I blame the government because they've let it get this far.  But mostly I blame the people that are to damn lazy to work.  Please understand that we have/do and might have to again in the near future get food stamps and WIC and medicaid for the kids.  But remember Daniel works 50-90 hours a week and we are still in need of assistance. There is the difference.  I hope that they go to drug testing.  I think it would do a lot of good.  90% of the work force has to pee in a cup to get a job, than we should have to pee in a cup to get the assistance.  It should be completely random and it should be done while on assistance too.  Just because you passed the one at application, doesn't mean anything.  They should randomly call you and say you need to be here by 2pm today and if you don't show we suspend your assistance.  Hello if you aren't working than you should be able to find your way up there to do this.  Hello it's called a bus if you have no car.  

8. I hate election years and especially this year.  MY PERSONAL OPINION we are damned either way.  I haven't decided if I'm gonna vote or not.  I understand we have had many many men and women who have died to give me that right, but I also have the right to not vote.  If I don't vote, THAN I HAVE NO RIGHT TO BITCH LATER! That goes for anyone. If you don't vote, don't bitch!  If you are unable to vote because you are a felon still your fault don't bitch!  

9. I have my own religious beliefs and the Big Man Upstairs and I talk on a pretty good basis.  Just because I do not see something the same way you do doesn't mean I am wrong.  Everyone comes away with what the Big Man wants them too.  We could each read a Bible verse and God could work in 2 different ways to explain it to us, depending on what we have going on in our lives.  Personally I think there is ONE GOD up there and everyone just worships him in different ways.  If you don't believe in him at all, remember you still believe in that and that's something.  I've heard two things lately that made me pause and I hope they make you pause too...
      A. If your right and I'm wrong than I just believed something whole heartily and no harm no fowl.  But, if I'm right and your wrong you burn in what ever eternal hell will happen.  
      B. To fight the whole if you can't see, touch or smell it, it isn't real.  Can you touch your brain?  Can you see your brain (machine seen doesn't count)? Can you smell it?  Truthfully can you feel it?  NO you can't.  So does that mean it's not there?  Family members that are overseas fighting for our country that we can't see, touch, sometimes hear... are they not real than?  Food for thought.  I'm not gonna get to much into this. 

Just remember the Bible was written by man and while God is perfect Man is not.  So who is to say that some of these things weren't written by a man on the rag having a bad week?  Or the "Devil" had a hand on him.  Lead a good life, help others and believe and personally I think you'll be fine.  By a good life I don't mean perfect. 

10. I try not to judge anyone without hearing their side first, but when all you do is moan and complain and whine about the WOE IS ME AND MY LIFE, I just don't have sympathy any more.  If you aren't going to get off your butt and do something about it, don't complain about it.  

Now that I have probably pissed some people off and made others wonder if they truly want to remain friends I'm going to close with this.  If you are my friend than I want you to and I love each and everyone of you, but that doesn't mean I agree with all your bullshit and it doesn't mean I wont say things you aren't going to like.  Remember I AM NOT PERFECT!  I have done my fair share of things that I probably shouldn't have.  But we learn from our mistakes.  Sometimes it just takes more than one mistake.  My blog may not be perfect and there are probably spelling errors and the wording might not be right, but there it is.  

Be blessed all my friends and family in whatever you may do.  

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Motivational Wednesday

I found this and couldn't help but think how very true it is.  May everyone be blessed!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Favorite Quote

Life and everything with it.

Hello to anyone who is reading this.  I want to apologize for being absent for so long.  Life has a funny way of getting in the way, if you know what I mean.  

Bug had his tubes put in last Thursday and the difference in that child is amazing.  I have started a journey in my life.  I am officially a Pampered Chef Consultant.  I had to start feeling like I was doing something other than raising my children.  Well yes I know that is the most important job of all, I am glad to be able to get out of house and do something with a product I love.  

I will be starting a new this week and I do apologize again for the absence.  I will be back posting my Insta-Sunday's, but not anything else.  We'll just start fresh this week.  Thank you for having patience with me at this time.  

Have a fantabulous day all! 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Motivational Wednesday

Not something I made, but a beautiful quote I found on line!  Be happy with the day my friends.


Sunday, June 3, 2012


I hope this post finds everyone well and that you enjoy viewing the pictures that I took over the past week with Instagram.  

As soon as my husband walks through the door from work he gets attacked by all of the boys.  The only reason why Ethan is not in the picture is because he was not here. 

God truly blessed me and knew what he was doing when he gave me Ethan six years before the younger ones came.  He knew I was going to need help and he loves his brothers Very much!

How can you resist that bashful smile?

My Little Man hamming it up for the camera.  He loves to play in front of it.

Kai Baby and his beautiful big blue eyes.  My little flirt!

Memorial Day weekend fun at my parents house. Peanut playing with his sisters and Bug with his Bumpy.

Memorial Day Fun part 2.  

My Peanut has gotten to where he wont pose for pictures but once in a blue blue moon.  So when I can get a picture of his face I try to get it.  

Even though it's just a milk jug I think I took a very good picture.  The Ziti like thing I made was delicious.

After a hard day of playing, the boys crashed!

Friday, June 1, 2012

New Recipe

So last night I made a new recipe.  One that if you know me, you know I would never in a million years eat myself.  But I am trying really hard to cook things for my boys that they like, because I'm such a picky eater.  So last night I made Mexican Beef Soup.  Technically the recipe is Mexican Chicken Soup, but Daniel isn't big on chicken.  I did not get a picture of it, because truthfully it looked rather dreadful.  But it was fabulous.  Well per my guys anyways.

2 15-ounce cans diced tomatoes (Mexican Style)
1 15-ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed
2 cups frozen corn or 1 15-ounce can corn, drained and rinsed
1 14.5-ounce can sodium-reduced chicken broth or 2 cups homemade chicken broth (I used beef broth)
2 cloves garlic, minced or 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin (optional)
1/2 teaspoon onion powder (optional)
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast (I used 1 lb stew meat)


1. Add tomatoes, beans, corn, broth, garlic, chili powder, cumin (if desired), and pepper in large saucepan

2. Remove and discard any visible fat from chicken.  Cut chicken into large chunks and add to the saucepan.  Heat to boiling, reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes or until chicken is tender.  (I let the stew meat cook on simmer for about 30 minutes and it made it just right)

3. Remove the chicken and place on a plate; use forks to shred the chicken.  Return the shredded chicken to the soup.

4. Service with choice of garnishes.

***Optional Garnishes include: Chipped cilantro, sliced or chopped avocado, light sour cream, shredded cheese***

I was actually given this recipe and a bunch of others from the Health Clinic  Daniel wants me to do it the next time with some Rice.  So we shall see.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Motivational Wednesday

Once again I did not take the picture or put the quote on it, but I did love it so there you go!


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Dinner Idea's

So, last night I figured I'd see what else my new Pampered Chef Brownie pan could do.  Part idea from Pampered Chef, part my own, I came up with some Creative Pizza Pockets!  They turned out fabulous.  Ethan and Erica ate them up.  LOL  Here is my Step by Step on how to make them.

Step 1: Pre-heat oven per back of dough.  I cooked mine for about 15 minutes but that is because we like "crunchies" from our cheese and sides.  

Step 2: I used Pillsbury pizza dough cut into squares pushed into the squares.

Step 3: Place a tiny amount of sauce on each square, as you can see I have one left blank and that's for the twins to try it.  I'm not sure how they will handle red sauce yet.  

Step 4: Add your ingredients.  I used Mozz Cheese, Pepperoni and Mushroom.  I've also thought about doing a Ham and Cheese melt too.

Step 5: I put on some of them a top layer for that Pizza Pocket feel.  Some of them I left open faced. 

Final Step: Finished product.  Let me tell you something, not only did my children enjoy these but so did I.  

I hope you enjoyed this!

Motivational Wednesday

Here is your Motivational Quote for the week:  Again I did not take the picture and put it together.  I found this and liked it and thought I would share it.

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, May 21, 2012


Acquaintance, Friends and Those we call Family

I truly had no intention of blogging today.  I was going to get my Quotes ready for tomorrow, but I didn't have anything for today.  Than events that have taken place over the last 24 hours have inspired me to write something.

There are people that come into our lives everyday.  Every single one of those people will mean something.  It might be for a brief encounter that lasts but a moment or it could very well be a lifelong friendship that you cherish forever.  No matter if it is for the briefest of moments or a lifetime you should ALWAYS enjoy the time you have.  You never know who that friend for life might be.

I've meet some pretty rotten people in my life but flip the coin and I've meet some pretty fan-freaking-tastic people too.  Some were just a fleeting dance in a now distant memory and others have remained like a moth mesmerized to an eternal flame.  There were some that burned liked acid when the dance was over and there are some I'm still dancing with.  Hopefully you understand where I'm coming from.

Some of you reading this know me and pretty much know my friends and our story, but for those of you who don't I'm gonna give a brief background so you understand.

I still talk to a handful of people I knew as a child.  I am grateful for these people.  They remind everyday where I came from and how the road to who I am now started.  One of my oldest and dearest friends is Travis.  Travis and I met in the 3rd grade and I when we first met, I wanted nothing to do with him.  But than I got to know him and understand his story.  Everyone in this world has a story.  Some are just more elaborate than others, some are more bumpy than others and some are just ordinary.  My friend Travis's story is pretty freaking spectacular.  When he was born he was born with one lung and his heart on the wrong side of his chest (that is his story to tell).  His parents were told he'd never make it, but here we are 32 years later and celebrating a 26 year friendship.  There are three friends from the 3rd grade that I still keep in contact with on a somewhat regular basis thanks to modern technology and Facebook.  I met Jara and Rachel at the same time and they became my best girl friends.  Jara is actually the first friend I made when we moved to Grand Rapids and it's all because of my mom.  As we all know as girls grow we become more picky and more fickle.  Though we remained friends our friendship evolved and changed.  By the end of my 6th grade year while yes we were still great friends we had branched out and had different friends.  Here entered Emma.  We hit it off instantly even though we were a grade apart.  From the middle or so of my 6th grade year until my family moved to Florida after my 8th grade year we were inseparable.  Even with her moving 20-30 minutes away we spent as much time together as we could.  You know what I'm talking about.  Those weekends were you spent the whole weekend at one or the others house, or over the summer where you spent as many days as the others' parents would let you.  But like everything in life our friendship changed and evolved into what we have today.  She and I still keep in touch and we still talk, but we were childhood best friends.  Now I understand what is when they say you pick your family and she is part of that.  :D  Now during my 7th and 8th grade year I met another totally different group of people.  We all went to what you call magnet schools and the one I went to was a preforming arts school.  I still talk to quite a few of the people I met during that time.  Facebook is a fabulous thing.

Enter the next stage of my life.... high school!  I'm a military brat and between my 8th and 9th grade year we moved to Florida.  We drove down and Emma came down with us for about a month.  We did all kinds of things before she left.  It was the last time we spent any significant time together.  Because I knew no one, my mother thought it would be great for me to go to summer school so I could meet some people.  So I took newspaper over the summer and hung out with Juniors and Seniors.  LOL!  I didn't meet my first friend that was my age until about a month, month and a half into the school year.  That is when I met one of my two besties, Leslie Anne.  We've been friends since Sept/Oct of 1994 and yes we are still besties.  We still hang out, our children hang out, ect.  I also meet a lot of wonderful people during high school.  Some I would call acquaintances, some friends and some family.  Michael, Matt, Daniel (not my husband), Sharra Lynn and Leslie Anne.  I still talk to them all and they are all family.  Daniel is my oldest son's Godfather and Sharra Lynn is my Middle son's Godmother.  Michael and I while we don't talk all the time he is still family.  We were the best of friends in High School.  Matt has come and gone and we've always remained friends.  In fact our children (my younger ones) are really close to his daughters age and I hope they are great friends.  Now I haven't forgotten anyone, those are just the ones I call my close family.  I have others that a great friends and than those that I rarely talk to anymore.  One of my sweetest friends from high school is Karen.  We still talk on a very regular basis and hopefully when she comes home for a visit this year she'll get to meet the children.  I also have my black brother, Marcellus.  He and I met via my job on the base.  He was/is a Marine and we became great friends and now he is family.  Even though his lives in the dreaded Chi-Town.  LOL!  Kelly I love you too, though we don't get to hang out and talk nearly as often. My dear friend Scott I wish we talked more.  I miss you!  I am probably forgetting people and later I will kick myself in the butt, but we all know how that goes.  

Next came college/life  in general and let me tell you something I've meet so really awesome people and I'm very thankful they are in my life.  I met Ethan's Godmother at this time and she is now married to his Godfather Daniel.  :D  LOL!  I also met the beautiful and wonderful Kimmie.  How the two of us became friends is beyond me, but friends we are.  We can go months ( I mean months) without talking and with one phone call it's like we never stopped talking.  I love you girl!

My trip to Washington and having my beautiful son Ethan is the next stage in my crazy life.  I met many people up there, some of which I still talk to and others I'm glad I don't.  Schimmy & Trinelle, thank you for being my rocks through everything that happened up there.  Love you guys!

I came home and pretty much stayed to myself and didn't make very many friends.  Than I met a group of younger girls and I still keep in touch with them and they've turned into some pretty wonderful people.  One of them even has a set of twins a couple of months younger than mine.  But truthfully I didn't try and find or met any new people and for that I will never know if there was someone out there that could have been a great friend.

Through my oldest son's school I have met some even  more wonderful people, some of which I call friend, a couple I barely call acquaintances and a couple that are now family.  Pam, you have been my savior this past year and half helping me out getting Ethan two and from school.

Now, 4 children and a husband later I have a very wonderful group of friends and a fantastic family support system.  There is one person I Have to make sure I say something about and that is Jacob.  God placed him in our life at just the right moment.  I was going insane with the four children and he needed us just a much as us needing him.  Again, God did a good job.  Jacob has become such a huge part of our family.  The boys love him and so do we.  Daniel and him think of each other as brothers and he's just Jacob for me.  When we need him, he is always there and he loves our boys.  I couldn't ask for a better friend.  You have become my best guy friend Jacob next to my husband.  I love you and am very thankful God placed you in our lives.

The reason I write this, is so people understand that like everything else in life friendships/relationships change and evolve and you either work at and keep the friendship or they slip away to the sidelines or the crowd to never be heard from again.

There are some friendships that are just bad for you and when the dance ends you jump off and run screaming into the night.  I've had a few of those and I know you have too.  Those ones where you do things that are not in your character and you than get into some massive trouble.  I pray my children never go through that but I know they will and I know it will make them a better friend to the true friends they have.

Last night I hung out with a wonderful family and I'm so glad they took a chance to get know my family and Sharra Lynn's family.  They were awesome and I can see a great and beautiful friendship coming out of it.  Something that will last a while and grow with time.  Jennifer, I hope that you see it the same way.

Remember to keep your friends and family close to your heart at all times and say I love you when you/they leave or you/they hang up.  You never know what tomorrow is going to bring and for that you should always so I love you.

I think I've babbled enough and yes I know to some of you it's just that.  Hopefully though you will see a little bit more of me and my unique self.  I have no brothers and sisters that I did not choose.  They are the best kind.

Have a wonderfully blessed day my readers and we'll catch you on the flip side.

Friday, May 18, 2012

My Favorite Things - Blue & Pink Edition

So growing up for as long as I can remember there has been two things of my dad's that I have always wanted.  I used to kid with him that when he died these would be the first two things I would take.  LOL!  Please understand my dad is full on color blind, so the fact that he did these are amazing and I will be forever thankful when he decided to give them to me.  They are two of my most treasured pieces.  I love you Dad!

Have a fabulous weekend y'all!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Chef Shots and his Wonderful Leftovers

As I told you a while back, my wonderful father was going to guest blog about food.  He will be talking about left overs and what you can do with them.  My father doesn't get how to do it from his blog to my blog so for the time being he is sending it to me and I am copying and pasting.  So I hope you enjoy this.

From the mind of Chef Shots!

Here’s another in my line of leftover yummies!

Left over chicken
Portabella mushrooms (or any fresh or canned depending on your preference)
Onion (I used a sweet onion but any would do cut into the size you want)
Garlic to taste, I used 2 cloves (I used a garlic press on mine, but as long as it’s chopped fine)
A box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese (the one with real soft cheese in it)
Course Kosher Salt to taste
Fresh ground Black Pepper to taste
Italian seasoning to taste
Parmesan cheese

Cut chicken into whatever size pieces you like. You may use any meat I just prefer chicken.  In a large pan sauté chicken, onion, garlic and mushrooms until chicken is cooked and onions and mushrooms are soft.  Meanwhile cook Mac & cheese according to directions. Mix chicken with Mac & Cheese and sprinkle with fresh Parmesan Cheese.        

As with any of my recipes you can add or subtract any ingredient you like to suit your taste.

Bon Appétit

Motivational Thought Wednesday

I did not take this picture or put the quote with it.  I found it on the internet, but Loved it and had to share it with all you wonderful readers.

When I read this quote all I could think of was my son Ethan.  

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Life and it's on going stupidity

So yes I know a lot of my posts start out like this, but you'll have to bear with me and understand that this is my blog and if at any time you do not agree with me or do not like what I'm posting you are more than welcome to stop reading.  Yes I know some times it's like a train accident where you just can't turn your head away, I'm that good of a writer but if you do not like it, don't read it. 

  We’ll move on to each issue and I’ll address them until my heart is content or I feel my point has been made. 

            With so many broken families you treasure the people that love you with all your heart and even if they piss you off you DO NOT BAD MOUTH them.  Especially on the internet.  As Phineas and Ferb say “Flame is fleeting, but the internet is forever.”  Once you post it on there than it’s there.  People have seen it and you can’t take it back.  I think this is why when I’m pissed off at something instead of posting right away I wait a day or two so I’m posting it as a Southern and not as my Northern side.  I’d probably piss more people off if I did most of my posting as a Northern.  I don’t care if you don’t like the person at the moment or they’ve really pissed you off remember they love you.  If this is someone who has been a mother/father figure to you remember they choose to love you.  They didn’t have to, but they did.  So please remember this when you decided to bash this person that loves you by choice.  No matter how upset I get with my oldest son’s Biological father, I will NOT bash him in front of my son.  You do not bash the other parent in front of the child. 
            While, yes I will allow my children to have their own privacy, if at any point in time while they live under my roof if I feel they are hiding something that could hurt themselves or someone else in my house I WILL GO THROUGH THEIR THINGS!  I don’t care if they are 16 or 25.  If you are in my house you are under my rules.  I’m not saying that my boys will be under lock and key, but they will have rules they will have to follow.  I’m not ashamed to admit I lived at home until I was 22 and there were rules I had to follow.  My mom woke by 5:00am so; unless I was working I had to be in by 11pm so I didn’t wake her up by the dogs barking.  She didn’t demand to know where I was all the time, but as a courtesy I 97% of the time told her where I was going and who I was with.  (I’m talking about when I turned 18).  In fact I was still in high school when I turned 18.  I hope that I can be ½ the parents mine were to me. 

            Okay on to the next subject.  Everyone is entitled to raise their children and behave with and around their children their own way.  Just because you/we might not agree with it doesn’t make it wrong or right.  I just hope that parents that are always going out and don’t spend as much time with their children as possible realizes just how special their children are.  Before you know it you’ll look up and that baby that was cooing at you is 8 and is sitting at the table doing homework and talking about his next project. Or even forbid what girl he has a crush on.  Time is precious when it comes to kids.  I know I don’t have the patience to home school my children, but I am very grateful for this time I have with my three little ones.  Yes I need time for me every once in awhile, but it’s not once a week and it’s not once every two weeks.  I might get some time to myself once a month that is more than 5 minutes.  I hate to break it to people but running to the store without the kids while it’s nice is not a break.  If you haven’t figured it out yet being a parent, but especially a stay at home parent is a 24 hour, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year kind of job.  I take mine very seriously.  I know I have people that will gladly watch my children, but the way I see it, I use those very far and few in between.  I need those for when there is an emergency.  My point of this one, is just because we don’t raise our children the same doesn’t mean either one of us is right or wrong.  Now common sense should always prevail.  You always buckle your children in the car (they should never be running around while you are driving), children under the age of 1 probably should be eating a whole lot that can rot their teeth, and while I have one like this their favorite food should not be Fries from a fast food place. Personally I do not believe in going out all the time now.  When I was younger I did do this, but still not a lot.  At this time in my life I am a home body and don’t need the bar scene. 

            People who think just because you have WIC checks or have food stamps you must be lazy.  I hate to break this to you people, but there are a lot of us out there, that are not abusing the system.  My husband works his ass off to provide for us.  He works at his main job 50 hours a week and then works a 2nd job 15-40 hours a week, depending on the demand.  We were blessed with one job in this economy and having two is even better.  There are weeks though were he isn’t needed at all.  We use it for what it was intended.  For a helping hand up, not to be our only source of income.  I know families that are military and have food stamps, because our soldiers aren’t paid enough to begin with.  Believe me I’ve seen the women that go into the store and have 3 carts of food and pay with food stamps and then pull a wad of cash from their bra’s that’s nothing but $20’s to pay for whatever is left over.  They then go out to their brand new cars that have rims on them that cost more than van and all you can do is shake your head.  Yes I BELIEVE you should have to pee in a cup if you are on public assistance.  It’s not fair that the cash you are getting from the state is paying for your drugs.  You have to pee in a cup for 90% of the jobs out there, so why not for assistance.  Oh wait, that’s why they don’t have jobs.  Never mind.  My point in this one is next time you are behind someone who is paying with WIC and food stamps, remember they might not be abusing the system. 

            People who don’t realize how good they have it.  Do you have a roof over your head?  Is there food in your belly?  Are your children (if you have them) clothed?  If you replied yes to these than you have it better than some people.  Yes I know there are things that could make your/our lives easier but truthfully you are blessed in what you have.  If you have people that help you remember to thank them and let them know you appreciate everything they do for you. 

            People that are two faced is my best way of putting it.  When you condemn someone for something, yet you do not condemn someone else for doing the same thing.  A friend of mine wrote a blog post and was called into the “principle’s” office about this post.  She was told that the “principle” had received many emails on this and was told she was wrong to write it and that she wasn’t setting a very good example and even though it was her opinion on this subject she should basically take it all back and say she was wrong and that she was sorry.  It cause much contraversy and she felt she was no longer welcome in a place she had been welcome for 30+ years.  Fast forwarded two – three weeks and I write a blog post (http://lilbitsthoughts.blogspot.com/2012/05/church-and-my-views.html) which is basically the same thing my friend wrote.  We have the same “principle” and here it is a week after mine and nothing.  We both feel that she was targeted for some reason and that is not right.  We also have mutual friends that told her she was wrong for hers and yet have basically applauded mine.  What is right or wrong for one has to be right or wrong for the other. 

            Yes now I am going to bring in the Church subject.  I really thought I covered all this in my last big post, but I forgot a couple of things and so I will say them now.  I firmly believe if we have more Missions trips here in the USA and reach out more in the USA we’d have more Christians. I understand that the Bible tells us to go out and if it wasn’t for the people in the beginning going to other places we wouldn’t have it, but I’m a firm believer in you have to fix home before you can fix away.  If we don’t have enough Christians here at home, why are we trying to get people in other countries to believe what we believe.  People in the Church (this is everywhere) need to learn the facts and the whole story before the start running their damn mouths.  If you don’t know the story don’t talk about it.  Are we still in High School?  Also please do not tell me to watch what I say because it reflects upon myself.  Yes I know it does.  I 99% of the time do not say anything I do not mean and would not stand behind.  I get that I’m a Christian and that I am to help non believers become believers, but non believers need to see that we aren’t perfect.  Being a Christian does not mean that we are perfect.  Human’s as a race is the most imperfect thing every.  We have sin and sin and oh more sin.  You have to accept Jesus as your Savior to pass through the doors of Heaven (John 14:6 reads: Jesus Answered, “ I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”)  We are all sinners.  Some of you may or may not know (and I’ll try and post a picture) but I have a tattoo of a Devil on my back.  He isn’t completely filled in and under it, it says, “I’m not completely Evil.” It helps remind me that everyone has it in them to be evil and nasty.  I try very hard not to be.  Every time someone comments about my Devil it reminds me even more that I am not evil.  I am a good person, even though people may think otherwise.  We need to work on home and fix home before we go abroad. 

         I think I’ve said enough and I’m sure I’ll get some WONDERFUL Comments and I’m even more sure there will be things at Church said because of this.  Just remember one thing, GOD is the only who will Judge me and He will Judge me at Heavens door when I get there.  Matthew 7:1-2 reads: “Do not judge or you too will be judge. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”  As you read in (http://lilbitsthoughts.blogspot.com/2012/05/church-and-my-views.html) my Favorite verse is in Revelations.  I would have to say that Matthew 7:1-2 is right up there with that.  I hope that everyone has a fantabulous evening and that after reading this, I’ve given you some things to think on.  

Favorite Quote Tuesday

Sunday, May 13, 2012


My Instagram pictures for the week!  I hope you enjoy them!

I took Ethan to see Disney on Ice.  This will be probably be his last one.  Which is kewl, because it had Stitch in it which is his Favorite character.

Food I took pictures of through out the week.  The Burger is from Blue Dot, best Burger in Town hands down!  I made the rest.  The Turkey, Cheese & Apple grilled sandwich was fabulous!  

Twins playing!

Three of the most important men in my all four of my sons lives.  Thank you guys for being the men you are!

NICU Reunion Walk 2012!  Personally I think it's one of the best pictures I've ever taking of Peanut.  

Peanut and the E-Man!

Brothers Unite! 

Perfectly Random things through out the week!

Gemini!  I love all my boys!