Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Life and it's on going stupidity

So yes I know a lot of my posts start out like this, but you'll have to bear with me and understand that this is my blog and if at any time you do not agree with me or do not like what I'm posting you are more than welcome to stop reading.  Yes I know some times it's like a train accident where you just can't turn your head away, I'm that good of a writer but if you do not like it, don't read it. 

  We’ll move on to each issue and I’ll address them until my heart is content or I feel my point has been made. 

            With so many broken families you treasure the people that love you with all your heart and even if they piss you off you DO NOT BAD MOUTH them.  Especially on the internet.  As Phineas and Ferb say “Flame is fleeting, but the internet is forever.”  Once you post it on there than it’s there.  People have seen it and you can’t take it back.  I think this is why when I’m pissed off at something instead of posting right away I wait a day or two so I’m posting it as a Southern and not as my Northern side.  I’d probably piss more people off if I did most of my posting as a Northern.  I don’t care if you don’t like the person at the moment or they’ve really pissed you off remember they love you.  If this is someone who has been a mother/father figure to you remember they choose to love you.  They didn’t have to, but they did.  So please remember this when you decided to bash this person that loves you by choice.  No matter how upset I get with my oldest son’s Biological father, I will NOT bash him in front of my son.  You do not bash the other parent in front of the child. 
            While, yes I will allow my children to have their own privacy, if at any point in time while they live under my roof if I feel they are hiding something that could hurt themselves or someone else in my house I WILL GO THROUGH THEIR THINGS!  I don’t care if they are 16 or 25.  If you are in my house you are under my rules.  I’m not saying that my boys will be under lock and key, but they will have rules they will have to follow.  I’m not ashamed to admit I lived at home until I was 22 and there were rules I had to follow.  My mom woke by 5:00am so; unless I was working I had to be in by 11pm so I didn’t wake her up by the dogs barking.  She didn’t demand to know where I was all the time, but as a courtesy I 97% of the time told her where I was going and who I was with.  (I’m talking about when I turned 18).  In fact I was still in high school when I turned 18.  I hope that I can be ½ the parents mine were to me. 

            Okay on to the next subject.  Everyone is entitled to raise their children and behave with and around their children their own way.  Just because you/we might not agree with it doesn’t make it wrong or right.  I just hope that parents that are always going out and don’t spend as much time with their children as possible realizes just how special their children are.  Before you know it you’ll look up and that baby that was cooing at you is 8 and is sitting at the table doing homework and talking about his next project. Or even forbid what girl he has a crush on.  Time is precious when it comes to kids.  I know I don’t have the patience to home school my children, but I am very grateful for this time I have with my three little ones.  Yes I need time for me every once in awhile, but it’s not once a week and it’s not once every two weeks.  I might get some time to myself once a month that is more than 5 minutes.  I hate to break it to people but running to the store without the kids while it’s nice is not a break.  If you haven’t figured it out yet being a parent, but especially a stay at home parent is a 24 hour, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year kind of job.  I take mine very seriously.  I know I have people that will gladly watch my children, but the way I see it, I use those very far and few in between.  I need those for when there is an emergency.  My point of this one, is just because we don’t raise our children the same doesn’t mean either one of us is right or wrong.  Now common sense should always prevail.  You always buckle your children in the car (they should never be running around while you are driving), children under the age of 1 probably should be eating a whole lot that can rot their teeth, and while I have one like this their favorite food should not be Fries from a fast food place. Personally I do not believe in going out all the time now.  When I was younger I did do this, but still not a lot.  At this time in my life I am a home body and don’t need the bar scene. 

            People who think just because you have WIC checks or have food stamps you must be lazy.  I hate to break this to you people, but there are a lot of us out there, that are not abusing the system.  My husband works his ass off to provide for us.  He works at his main job 50 hours a week and then works a 2nd job 15-40 hours a week, depending on the demand.  We were blessed with one job in this economy and having two is even better.  There are weeks though were he isn’t needed at all.  We use it for what it was intended.  For a helping hand up, not to be our only source of income.  I know families that are military and have food stamps, because our soldiers aren’t paid enough to begin with.  Believe me I’ve seen the women that go into the store and have 3 carts of food and pay with food stamps and then pull a wad of cash from their bra’s that’s nothing but $20’s to pay for whatever is left over.  They then go out to their brand new cars that have rims on them that cost more than van and all you can do is shake your head.  Yes I BELIEVE you should have to pee in a cup if you are on public assistance.  It’s not fair that the cash you are getting from the state is paying for your drugs.  You have to pee in a cup for 90% of the jobs out there, so why not for assistance.  Oh wait, that’s why they don’t have jobs.  Never mind.  My point in this one is next time you are behind someone who is paying with WIC and food stamps, remember they might not be abusing the system. 

            People who don’t realize how good they have it.  Do you have a roof over your head?  Is there food in your belly?  Are your children (if you have them) clothed?  If you replied yes to these than you have it better than some people.  Yes I know there are things that could make your/our lives easier but truthfully you are blessed in what you have.  If you have people that help you remember to thank them and let them know you appreciate everything they do for you. 

            People that are two faced is my best way of putting it.  When you condemn someone for something, yet you do not condemn someone else for doing the same thing.  A friend of mine wrote a blog post and was called into the “principle’s” office about this post.  She was told that the “principle” had received many emails on this and was told she was wrong to write it and that she wasn’t setting a very good example and even though it was her opinion on this subject she should basically take it all back and say she was wrong and that she was sorry.  It cause much contraversy and she felt she was no longer welcome in a place she had been welcome for 30+ years.  Fast forwarded two – three weeks and I write a blog post (http://lilbitsthoughts.blogspot.com/2012/05/church-and-my-views.html) which is basically the same thing my friend wrote.  We have the same “principle” and here it is a week after mine and nothing.  We both feel that she was targeted for some reason and that is not right.  We also have mutual friends that told her she was wrong for hers and yet have basically applauded mine.  What is right or wrong for one has to be right or wrong for the other. 

            Yes now I am going to bring in the Church subject.  I really thought I covered all this in my last big post, but I forgot a couple of things and so I will say them now.  I firmly believe if we have more Missions trips here in the USA and reach out more in the USA we’d have more Christians. I understand that the Bible tells us to go out and if it wasn’t for the people in the beginning going to other places we wouldn’t have it, but I’m a firm believer in you have to fix home before you can fix away.  If we don’t have enough Christians here at home, why are we trying to get people in other countries to believe what we believe.  People in the Church (this is everywhere) need to learn the facts and the whole story before the start running their damn mouths.  If you don’t know the story don’t talk about it.  Are we still in High School?  Also please do not tell me to watch what I say because it reflects upon myself.  Yes I know it does.  I 99% of the time do not say anything I do not mean and would not stand behind.  I get that I’m a Christian and that I am to help non believers become believers, but non believers need to see that we aren’t perfect.  Being a Christian does not mean that we are perfect.  Human’s as a race is the most imperfect thing every.  We have sin and sin and oh more sin.  You have to accept Jesus as your Savior to pass through the doors of Heaven (John 14:6 reads: Jesus Answered, “ I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”)  We are all sinners.  Some of you may or may not know (and I’ll try and post a picture) but I have a tattoo of a Devil on my back.  He isn’t completely filled in and under it, it says, “I’m not completely Evil.” It helps remind me that everyone has it in them to be evil and nasty.  I try very hard not to be.  Every time someone comments about my Devil it reminds me even more that I am not evil.  I am a good person, even though people may think otherwise.  We need to work on home and fix home before we go abroad. 

         I think I’ve said enough and I’m sure I’ll get some WONDERFUL Comments and I’m even more sure there will be things at Church said because of this.  Just remember one thing, GOD is the only who will Judge me and He will Judge me at Heavens door when I get there.  Matthew 7:1-2 reads: “Do not judge or you too will be judge. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”  As you read in (http://lilbitsthoughts.blogspot.com/2012/05/church-and-my-views.html) my Favorite verse is in Revelations.  I would have to say that Matthew 7:1-2 is right up there with that.  I hope that everyone has a fantabulous evening and that after reading this, I’ve given you some things to think on.  

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